Insurance Reimbursement

Kelli Brewer Photography

Kelli Brewer Photography

General Information

Insurance can be very complicated. I am not contracted with any insurance companies, however you may be partially or fully reimbursed depending on your particular insurance and coverage. Please contact your insurance provider to verify whether you have out-of-network benefits, and especially to find out if you have an out-of-network deductible that needs to be met before you will be reimbursed for services.

It is important to note that insurance companies require both a diagnosis code and service code for all reimbursements, and also have access to your therapy records for auditing purposes. If that is information you do not want to disclose, then using insurance benefits for counseling may not be the best option for you.

Kelli Brewer Photography

Kelli Brewer Photography


You will receive an invoice after each session for your records. In addition to the invoices, each month I will provide you with a “superbill” which has all the information needed for you to submit a claim to your insurance provider. In some instances I may be able to submit the claim to your insurance provider on your behalf, however this depends on your particular insurance.