Counseling for Couples



Are you and your partner struggling to feel connected? Perhaps you have been arguing more frequently, or maybe you are so detached that you are hardly speaking at all. Most couples reach out for counseling because they are having problems feeling heard and understood, and they want to improve their communication with each other. Maybe you have experienced an affair and are not quite sure how your marriage can heal from that pain. Whether you are looking to take proactive steps to strengthen the bond with your partner, or you need more specialized attention to help heal from past emotional injuries, marital counseling can help you learn specific skills that can improve your ability to create a healthy and fulfilling relationship.


Did you know that over half of the problems that couples face are considered to be “unsolvable?” Yet many married couples describe their relationship as fulfilling and stay married for life, while other marriages end in divorce. So if over half of the problems in marriage are not solvable, what is the secret of these happily married couples? 

In the 1970’s Dr. John Gottman set out to discover if there were patterns of behaviors that distinguished happy couples from unhappy couples. Along with his wife, Dr. Julie Gottman, he used his research to develop highly specialized therapeutic interventions to strengthen the marriage relationship. The Gottman Method helps to identify and reduce damaging behaviors in relationships while improving positive interactions that foster love and respect, and many couples appreciate having a structured approach on what they can do to make positive changes in their marriage. And the best part is that you will be able to use these skills long after marital therapy has been completed. 

I have completed Levels I, II, and III of the Gottman Method training and I use this framework extensively in my work with couples. I also have specialized experience in working with couples dealing with infidelity and attachment injuries.Contact me to schedule a free consultation to find out more. You can also visit The Gottman Institute for additional information. 

Gottman Approved Member